Confidence Life Coach

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First Step to Changing Your Life


That is the first step to changing your life: decide.

A lot of nonsense will churn from your mind after you decide. Thoughts like:

I can't do that.
It's too hard.
I don't have enough time.
It's such a big goal - it will take forever.
I can't get it together.

If a thought doesn't help you, picture yourself karate chopping them and stay on course. Those nonsense thoughts will come up in your mind over and over. KARATE CHOP!

It's a karate punch & not a chop... but I love the picture! You get the idea!

Practice some helpful, positive thoughts like:

I can do this.
I can do difficult things.
I am efficient.
I am worth it.
I'm moving towards my goal, one step at a time.

Choose positive. You're worth it!