May Challenge: #TCOM - The Self-care Wrap-up
Hi friends!
A month of conscious self-care is complete and it’s got me thinking about what counts as self-care. I looked up the definition: Self-care is an intentional act of wellness. So, anything I do for my well-being counts. Awesome!
When I’m stressed or overwhelmed, a pivotal question to ask myself is “what is the kindest thing I can do for myself in this moment?” Just asking myself the question can help reduce stress and help relieve the burden. And sometimes the next step is to just breath or take a walk or a nap.
The visual weekly wrap-up: #TCOM included a wellness visit to the doc, using a favorite lotion, green juice and journaling, being with nature, appreciating the full moon and spending time with & cherishing the love of my family & friends. [The doc & full moon pics are sued with permission from Creative Commons Deed CC0.]
There is a shift in perspective when you take care of yourself - especially when you’re in the middle of a difficult situation. The situation becomes tolerable when you decide to make yourself a priority. You feel empowered.
That is the biggest take-away from this month: I am empowered when I take care of myself. It gives me the mindset and energy to help others (which I love to do) when I honor myself.
Here are some cool sites and apps to add to your wellness along the self-care journey.
For daily inspiration:
Have a dance party stat!
Craving nature and interaction with wild animals but can’t get outside fast enough? Travel with me through the interwebs:
Boost your mood instantly by performing a random act of kindness.
Attend a free class at MIT (and other stellar institutions).
Take a free yoga class online. Beginner to advanced sessions offered.
Tell me what you’re doing to honor yourself and your wellness in the comments below. Have a great week!
~jen gotti :)